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Kindness, positivity, and generosity are all qualities necessary to the constructive functioning of our institutions. As a Department Representative, Adrianna consistently works to spread positivity. A passionate student advocate, she regularly calls for measures to support student wellness. She believes in considering multiple perspectives and taking a holistic approach to leadership, emphasizing and cultivating the diverse strengths and voices of Social Science students.



1.0 LAMP Mentor


Anthropology Department




VP Communications


Anthropology Society


OKAY, but who is ADRIANNA?


Hi, I'm Adrianna and I would like to be your next SSSC President. But... WHO am I?


I am a 3rd year student doing an Honours Specialization in Anthropology with a minor in Biology. I have been involved with Anthropology Society since my first year, and have been proud to represent my department on the SSSC as Department Representative this year. I am a small town girl, passionate about creating communities and uniting people on the basis of their strengths.

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